iaru100The Hungarian Radioamateur Society (MRASZ) organises an activity to commemorate the centenary of the foundation of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

Purpose of this activity:
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of IARU in the amateur radio bands.

Activity period:
01 April 2025 00:00 UTC - 18 April 2025 23:59 UTC

HF bands from 160 to 10 meters, on CW, SSB and DIGI modes.

The following special event callsigns will be active:
HA100IARU, HG100IARU, HA100Y, HA100E, HA100A, HA100R, HA100C, HA100L, HA100B, HA100T, HA100I, HA100O, HA100N

Stations that meet the appropriate conditions may request a downloadable commemorative award:


The letters of "IARU 100 YEAR CELEBRATION" shall be put together from the contacts made with the callsigns representing each consisting part, in any order:
IARU, 100, Y, E, A, R, C, L, B, T, I, O, N.
The HA100IARU and HG100IARU both can be used for the words "IARU 100".
It is sufficient to make a single contact with each station to put the "IARU 100 YEAR CELEBRATION" text together.

The QSOs will be uploaded each day to the log database reachable on the MRASZ website for this purpose.

The QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Clublog. QSL card not required.
Request QSL card: through Clublog OQRS (https://clublog.org/)