Subregional YOTA Camp Hungary 2020

logo yota 2020 fbShort introduction

Following many years of participation in YOTA programs, this time Hungarian youngsters are going to host a subregional camp, supported by MRASZ, Hungarian Radio Amateur Society and several well-known local hams. We are enthusiastic and hopeful about this event held in South-West Hungary, to where we would like to invite Central and Eastern European youngsters to participate, meet each other and enjoy a long weekend full of ham radio related programmes in a hospitable, close-to-nature environment.



If you’re 15–25 years old and interested in amateur radio, you are welcome to this event. Newcomers to radio hobby are invited as well as more experienced youngsters such as traditional ham operators, ARDF or HST participants. We only ask you to be a member of one of the IARU member societies.

Aranyhomok Cup International ARDF festival

aranyhomokkupa fb2019. április 19-21.

    1. Goal of the competition:
      Giving the opportunity to train and compete before the next IARU Region 1. Championship.

  1. Organizer:
    Aranyhomok Radioclub
  2. Date:

  3. Event center:
    Boróka Primary School (opposite to COOP ABC)
    Kecskeméti u. 1.
    6235 Bócsa
    46,615804, 19.476258